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Helping your pet gain confidence through gentle & force free grooming

If your dog has issues at the groomer (or any for that matter) we want to help!!! Going to the groomer can be a daunting experience for your pup if not done consistently AND CORRECTLY from an early age. Taking your dog to the groomer is just the start. Finding a reputable and compassionate groomer that understands how to condition your pup to actually enjoy the experience without force can be difficult. A one-on-one groomer experienced in both behavioral issues and grooming is automatically set up to have more success. Your dog is the only one at the salon and gets their complete undivided attention. It’s the perfect set up for puppies who have never experienced the grooming process before, and for older dogs that may have started off on the wrong foot...or paw.  


That’s where our Groom and Train program comes in. We not only offer a one-on-one, peaceful environment, but also are partnered with a reputable trainer to help when needed.  Ashley, owner of Lil' Rascals Dog Training, uses scientifically sound, reward based methods that positively affect not only the dog’s behavior, but also their underlying emotional state. She shares our belief that any methods using fear or force to motivate your dog are to be completely avoided. Her passion is to help fearful and reactive dogs learn to enjoy every aspect of their life and to become well adjusted members of the family.


If you have been told your pup needs medication to be groomed, needs training or isn’t welcome in other shops, give us a call and we will evaluate the situation and create an individualized program to help your dog. Once they see the process as a part of life, and not a scary situation, they become much happier to get in the car for their spa day. If your pup excels in the grooming salon, but needs help in other areas of their life, we can still help! Contact us with any questions. We’d love to help any way we can! 


Ashley is Fear Free Certified; CPDT-KA; Licensed family dog instructor; Licensed pet dog ambassador instructor.

How does it work?

  •  After we consult through text or over the phone, our first appointment will be an in-person assessment.  This allows us to determine just what your pup will need and the perfect schedule for them.

  • Typically sessions are done weekly and are eventually spaced out as your dog progresses.  The goal is to get them comfortable and confident to be on a regular grooming schedule. 

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